Election Reax Pt. 2: What to Do Next

I think it’s critical that we start doing positive, productive things now and not get hung up on the results of this election for too long. A couple things I’ve thought of:

1) The Supreme Court is likely to issue key decisions on bank/financial regulation in 2017, including a pivotal decision in the MetLife case. Let’s figure out who to approach about journalistic coverage and filing amicus briefs. I’m sure Paul Volcker, Ben Bernanke, Gretchen Morgensen and others would be receptive.

2) Pending the result of MetLife, there may be a slew of heavy-duty polluters (e.g. coal and gas companies) that go to court next year seeking refuge from EPA and other environmental regulations. How do we get out in front of this? Again I’m thinking of drumming up legal support, but there may be private sector approaches such as PSA/advocacy and clean energy campaigns. Ppl like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Alex Matthiessen could be helpful — if we know how to get in touch with them.

3) For the NY Staters reading this — we have three strong anti-Trump insiders on our side in Andrew Cuomo, Bill DeBlasio and Chuck Schumer. Let’s make sure these guys are speaking up for us. New York State should stand with California in opposing rollbacks to environmental regulations, gay rights, women’s rights, and other core elements of the progressive agenda. Their phone numbers are publicly available on their websites. Put them in your phone and call them — squeaky wheels get the grease!

Like it or not, the Republicans control the government for the next two years (the white house, both houses of congress and the courts). I hope we can make gains in the 2018 midterms… but UNTIL THEN we are fighting with one arm tied behind our back. A lot can happen in two years, for better or worse. That means we need to get creative now about pressuring lawmakers and judges to do the right thing.

Let’s protest and let’s demonstrate. But let’s also fight the battles where they are being fought — in Congress, in the courts, and in the press.

One thought on “Election Reax Pt. 2: What to Do Next

  1.   Very good, constructive suggestions.  I have already contacted the NY guys -Schumer, Cuomo, de Blasio.  Everybody

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