
Coming off the river off
the ocean, a heavy wind blows down
my running path,
pushing me with the kind
of insistence with which my father,
in fits of rage,
used to say, “Move your feet!”
Why I push myself there, despite the exhaustion that haunts me at the end of a sleepless week, has something to do with the memory of that; not the sound, or the meaning it conveyed, nor even the promise of a better result, but the instinct to do what you are told by those you trust. I don’t trust him still, nor believe that good always follows good, but I still look down and see my feet moving.

2 thoughts on “Running

  1. Dear Mack,Very moving to me and, I’m certain, to others. love, Sone   Sonya Friedman Four Corners 38 W. 10 St. NY NY 10011 

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