Hi, I’m Wayne, I’m a Gun Person…Bang Bang!

George Carlin’s roast of NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre several years back has never been so dearly missed. Today, at a joint rally for the NRA and the American Conservative Union, LaPierre put on a characteristically flamboyant display of bigotry, fundamentalism and backwardness. He was responding, in part, to AG Eric Holder’s tip-off that the Administration may seek to place partial bans on the sale of automatic weapons. Here’s the clip:

We can hoot and holler about small gems like “owning guns is a god-given right” and “there are no rights without the 2nd Amendment,” but we ought not let the startling humor distract us from how terrifying this is. Not to mention, the NRA has once again elected to hold a rally in the days following a tragic shooting (this time in Binghamton, NY).

We must hope that Obama and Holder will take steps toward a ban on machine guns, if not all guns. As a country, it is time for us to rethink the 2nd Amendment. I am reminded of this whenever I watch clips from these NRA rallies and see how the 2nd’s most fervent supporters invest such hateful, small-minded and anti-American meaning into it.

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